By changing how I breathe and focusing more on my breath, I found that my endurance increased, my anxiety decreased, and my sleep improved. I am more present and aware than ever.
I want to provide you with the tools to do the same.
Hi, I’m Louise
I am so glad you are here!
I have been where you are, searching for something that could help me settle my anxieties and increase my performance. Learning how to adopt specific breathwork patterns has taught me how to use the power of my own breath to control how I experience daily life with more presence.
I have had many roles over the past twenty years – from a career counselor to a mindfulness ethusiast, a peer-support grief facilitator, as well as a supportive partner and mother. Through these experiences, I have learned how important it is to have the tools to manage stressors and to respond compassionately not only to others but also to oneself.
Today, I recognize the benefits of focusing on the breath and the importance of functional breathing. I’ve immersed myself in certification programs such as Pause Breathwork by Samantha Skelly, Peak Flow, Oxygen Advantage, and Buteyko with Patrick McKeown. This training, coupled with my group facilitation skills has led me here. The power of breathwork, through actionable coaching programs, can help you increase self-awareness and improve your response to stress so that you can enhance your athletic, academic, professional, or personal performance,
Whether you are an athlete, mom, business-driven executive, or student, breathwork is for you.
With, you can rely on a client-centered, responsive, respectful culture where I will teach you to breathe better with actionable plans guided toward achieving your goals.

Breath Coach
Are you ready to explore how breathwork can optimize your health, improve your life, and increase your performance?