Breathing Basics
Is breathwork good for everyone?
Yes! Breathwork invites you to focus on your breathing and can be modified to meet an individual’s goals or needs. It is essential to work with a breathwork practitioner who can inform you as to what type of session or breathing exercises are suitable for you.
How does breathing improve athletic performance?
By focusing on strengthening your breathing muscles and increasing your CO2 tolerance, you can delay muscle fatigue and increase endurance.
Can inhaling and exhaling really make a difference in a stressful moment?
Most definitely! Our breath is intrinsically linked to our autonomic nervous system, which means we can switch from feeling stress to being in a state of calm. You will learn breathwork techniques as simple as elongating your exhale to help you lower your stress response. When working on your breathing, you can change your stress baseline, which means you can alter your stress response.
Science of Breathing
What are the benefits of breathwork?
There can be many benefits of breathwork. People can experience:
reduced feelings of stress and anxiety
increased energy and focus
lower blood pressure
increased stamina, endurance, and lung capacity
improved sleep
help with pain management
increased self-awareness and body awareness
improved digestion and circulation
boosted immune response
Is there a best time of day to practice breathing exercises?
Any time is the best time! Breathing can be used to wake you up, increase your energy, calm you down, or relax you. Focused and conscious breathing can be done throughout the day.
Are there side effects of breathwork?
During a session, people may feel:
lightheaded or dizzy
muscle tightness
tingling in the body
temperature shifts
These typically subside after the session. Afterward, depending on the session, people can feel calm, relaxed, focused, or energized.
Program Information
How are performance-based breathwork and self-discovery breathwork programs different?
Performance-based programs focus on movement and breathing exercises to help increase endurance and delay fatigue.
Self-discovery programs are designed with a different theme or topic each session to assist the client to bring more self-awareness in their life through breathing followed by journalling and discussion.
Is breathwork beneficial for children and teenagers?
Yes. Children and teenagers can benefit immensely from breathwork as they can form lasting functional breathing habits as well as tools to help with future stress and anxiety.
Do I need to check with my doctor before starting a program?
Please check with your doctor if you have pre-existing health conditions concerning heart, lungs, or blood pressure.
I am pregnant - can I participate in a breathwork program?
Yes. However, only certain breath patterns and gentler programs during pregnancy are recommended. Also, please consult with your doctor before signing up for one of the programs.
How do I best mentally and physically prepare for a breathwork appointment?
Come ready to breathe and wear comfortable clothes. You may need a space where you can lie down. That’s it!